Speaking at Women's Groups, Churches, Seminars, and Conferences across the USA & Australia, Bessie shares her incredible story and the role her spiritual quest played in transforming her into a woman-on-fire.
If you would like Bessie to speak to Your Group - CONTACT HER HERE

"my grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.”
Freedom Fighter Ministries
Ordained Chaplain+Masters degrees in Bible, Counseling (in progress)
Freedom Fighter Ministries is Bessie's umbrella Ministry, spanning a wide demographic through her Speaking, Chaplaincy, Advocacy & studies. Bessie's goal is to reach the downhearted, overworked, depressed, stressed, forgotten, underserved, and marginalized of all ages and walks of life.
We all battle the soul-destroying epidemic of modern life. The insane expectations, keeping up appearances, counterfeit happiness, and hollow values. Her mission: to show there really is a better way and to provide a path to freedom, love, and lasting change through a deeper, more practical and personal connection with the Creator. Nothing beats the firsthand experience of the perfect love of Jesus.

Emotionally Healthy Spirituality
Facilitator of a ground-breaking program, by Peter Scazerro, which integrates spirituality with a revolutionary emotional-health course.
The Problem of Emotionally Unhealthy Spirituality
Know Yourself That You May Know God
Journey Through the Wall
Enlarge Your Soul Through Grief and Loss
Grow Into an Emotionally Healthy Adult
To become part of a group - contact me@BessieBarker.com

Women's Warrior Camp
A three-day spiritual adventure-retreat boldly designed to transform women in brave & courageous Warriors for God.
Through teaching sessions, small groups, quiet time, and fun activities we explore together what is to walk in freedom, claim our identity in Christ, and love others well.

Foster Youth Speaker, Camp Counselor & Children’s Worship Leader
Fun activities, workshops, and talks that weave through spiritual truths and emotional support for Youth in a safe, fun, and confidential environment.
Seeing each individual as a Leader, a World-Changer, and a unique Masterpiece with skills the world needs. Reinforcing God's truth that they are loved, seen, and heard.

Prison Ministry
Bringing the truth of God’s pure & never-failing love to women who are incarcerated. Holding firm to the power of restoration for all, this
group-experience creates a space of possibility and healing that can
ripple through other inmates, staff, even through to their family at home.

Bessie has spoken at, hosted and MC'd many charity events including:
Ambassador: Make A Wish Foundation
Speaker, Save the Children
MC, Salvation Army
MC, Starlight Foundation
MC, Autism Spectrum Australia
MC, Diabetes Foundation
Speaker, Variety the Children’s Charity
Speaker, Variety Heart Awards
Host, McDonald's, McHappy Day
MC, Leukemia Foundation
MC, Sydney Children’s Hospital
MC, Smith Family
MC, Spastic Centre
MC, Quadriplegic Association
MC, Centre for Mental Health
Speaker, Foster Youth Christmas Party
MC, Wayside Chapel
MC, Barnardo’s: the Children’s Charity
MC, Careflight
MC, Bobby Goldsmith
MC & Auctioneer, The Humour Foundation Laugh Doctors in hospitals
MC, MS Society
MC, McGrath Foundation (Breast Cancer)
MC, Bonnie Babes
Speaker, Shave for a Cure
MC, Special Children’s Christmas Party
MC, Dr Victor Chang Heart Foundation
MC, Life Force Cancer Foundation
Spokesperson, Sunnyfield
Speaker, Smile Doctors